Tuesday, April 15, 2008

False Start

Today was our first Platypi game, and predictably, it was rained out, or more accurately, snowed out. Seriously, I know taxes are due today, and Lincoln (Abraham, not my boy) got shot today, but that doesn't mean that the day should be all bad, after all, it is Jackie Robinson day.

My favorite part about the video clip above, besides the cheesy anouncer was how the ump signalled safe. Pretty funny.

The net result is that we're still 0-0.

Also, I got May 1st and 2nd off of school, and we're wondering how we should spend our 4 day weekend... here's the catch, we don't want to spend any money. So here is a list of ideas I've come up with, feel free to add any suggestions as you see fit.

13-Spend an entire night voting for David Archeleta and Brooke White on American Idol.
12-Think of a new nickname so Matt doesn't have to use 'Darth'
11-Think up names Brett and Rachel can name thier baby.
10-Watch the sun rise, then travel across the sky, then set, repeat 3 times.
9-Travel to Draper, mooch off Dad for 4 days.
8-Make up a new letter of the alphabet
7-Go to work and look through my classroom window the entire day.
6-Try to figure out the difference between a pig and a hog.
5-Teach Lincoln how to drive a car.
4-Think up cheesy sayings like 'Don't hate the player, hate the game' to use on my classes when I get back.
3-Teach Lincoln a word besides 'go' or 'ball'.
2-Try to figure out why the brand name Philips only has one 'l' in it.
1-Choose a new favorite number since 14 is apparently a white supremisist number.

We play DeMay next week, seems like we always start the year off playing them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never noticed the umps awesome "safe" call. Yes, pretty funny indeed. First how he just crouches down and holds the sign forever, and then later when the catcher is complaining how he signals "safe" like 4 times. Good one by him.