Wednesday, November 19, 2008

An artist and his medium

Warning: This is a picture post. If you don't like to look at pictures of my cute kids, then do not proceed. You know who you are.

So, Lincoln found some of those paints that come in huge bottles, and used our kitchen as his canvas. It took hours to clean up, but at least Ange had the presence of mind to snap a few photos. (Note to the kids, 'snap' used to be what it sounded like to take pictures. Now with digital cameras, it's more of a beep.) He is a pretty good boy, you can see where he tried to clean up the purple paint on the ground.

This is Lincoln at Cornbelly's, one of the few places where he can jump without his parents thinking he's a weirdo.

Just wanted to prove to everybody that Ella's a little princess.
Leaves are fun to play in for little boys. Leaves are not fun to rake up. Fortunately, we have a huge tree in our front yard. Unfortunately, we have a huge tree in our front yard.

Little girls like leaves too, but usually their brothers get all the attention.
Sometimes, leaves need to be cleaned out of little girls' hair.

I'm pretty sure Lincoln isn't a monkey looking for food in that last picture, but I do wonder about that boy sometimes.


Tammi said...

Okay, since I would walk passed Ella on the street and not recognize her. . .I think I need to see her!!!! When did they get SO big!!!! And please no smart answers like, "One day at a time!"

Stephanie said...

I've always known Lincoln looks just like you, Bubs, but the last picture looks so much like you! I know it is only the back of your head, but I spent a lot of time looking at the back of your head when you were that age!

The Bubs said...

I ask myself the same question. Our kids grow fast, thanks to Ange. I suspect that our kids don't grow as fast as Heather's though.

Steph, I'm not sure how you can remember when you were 19 months old... perhaps Lincoln has once again been mistaken for a five year old.

Brett - Rachel B said...

How did I miss this posting? Who are you talking about that doesn't want to see pictures of your kids? I will beat them up!
Ella is so different! What a cutie!

Heather said...

I'm right there with Tammi...I would not have recognized Ella! She looks so big since that last time I saw her! I absolutley LOVE her princess costume! Lincoln looks like such a good brother/helper picking leaves out of Ella's hair. :)