Sunday, July 06, 2008

Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less

Soon enough Matt is going to be home, and we are going to start a politics blog, so all three of you readers out there won't have to worry about my political rantings anymore, but until then...

About a month ago I signed the petition to the right, I was like the 300,000 or so signer. I would encourage all readers to sign it.

Democrats say that it is only a long term solution, so we shouldn't pursue it, then in the same breath talk about all thier long term solutions.

The fact of the matter is, it's a short term solution to help us have lower energy prices until the long term solutions come online, such as (gasp) nuclear power.

We need to start yesterday... I've already missed one trip to Idaho, and will miss one more in the middle of July because of gas prices. At least we get to come up once in early August.

That is all

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