Sunday, November 09, 2008

I should probably stop neglecting this blog

As mentioned in the Parry Post, I will be conducting a poll. Hopefully it will be up and running just to the right. You should exercise your right to vote, unless, of course, you don't know what you're talking about and then you'd just ruin it for everybody. Yes we can.

Also, we were lucky enough to get to spend 3 grand to keep our house from flooding. The good news is that our basement doesn't flood with every rain storm. Now we can focus on finishing the basement. Yes we can.

In conclusion, I think fry sauce is the grossest thing to have to clean up. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that most mayo based products are nasty after they sit there for 5 days. Milk isn't as bad, the smell can be bad, but at least it comes out as a solid block. I should post a list of worst foods to have to clean up. Yes we can.

Ella might have pink eye, so those reading this post should go and wash your hands, and not pick at your eye. Yes we can.

The Bubs


Brett - Rachel B said...

sweet barf-o-meter

I wanna make a joke invovling flooding basements and pink eye, but i can't think of one that doesn't involve the President Elect. I'll get back to you. Yes I can.

Brett - Rachel B said...

Wait a second. I think Rachel changed my vote. I voted for Triple Play this morning, and it has been changed. Looks like our co-login strikes again. Much like the times when Rachel makes girly comments and then people think they are made by me (brett (not girly)).

Brett - Rachel B said...

But Rachel made the first comment. But it actually was a very ungirly comment.

The Bubs said...

ok so I messed up the poll, and all votes were lost. So you should vote again.

The Jensen's said...

I vote for the Triple Play, sounds nice! Sorry to hear about your basement that really bites!

Anonymous said...

I know I jumped in late on this, but I was blown away when I saw that I was the only one who voted for hat trick. I thought that clearly hat trick was the best option.