Thursday, January 28, 2010


I'm giving a talk this Sunday in church on Family History. I'm also updating this blog for the first time in like seven months, but we'll pretend that it's always updated.

Anyway, if anyone wants to see the carnage, our church is at 11. Hopefully the sister speaking before me gives a 45 minute talk like last time.


Oregon Millburns said...

We just may try to come! John wants to know if we can 'BOO' you while you are speaking? What's your church's address?

The Bubs said...
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Oregon Millburns said...

Spence...we now can't make it to your ward tomorrow morning to hear your talk. :( One family that John home teaches finally got back to him about allowing him to come over and teach tomorrow. He hasn't heard back from them in a few weeks, so tomorrow is now unfortunately busy in the morning/afternoon for us. Sorry! I wish we could be there.