Thursday, August 03, 2006

Tells the future whilst eating Whoppers Bubs

Formalities first, we went to Kiddie Kandids to get 9 moth old pictures of the boy.

The rest can be seen at:

I would like to mention that some of the Whoppers I'm eating are a bit chewy, that can't be a good sign, but I carry on.

Chase Utley just extended his hit streak to 35

Sticking with the baseball theme, I will now project this year's playoffs.

First the Senior Circut

Mets vs. San Diego: Mets win 3-2

St. Louis vs. Los Angeles: St. Louis wins 3-1

Mets vs. St. Louis: St. Louis wins 4-2

Now the AL

Detroit vs. Los Angeles: Detrios wins 3-2

Minnesota vs. Boston: Minnesota wins 3-1

Detroit vs. Minnesota: Detroit wins 4-2

World Series:

St. Louis vs. Detroit: St. Louis wins 4-3

That game 7 is going to be hard to win in Detroit.

Other Considerations:

I would have put Toronto in 5 days ago, but they didn't do their usual damage against the Yankees. I think Boston has more firepower than the Yanks, but it would be nice to see Toronto step it up.

I wouldn't have put the Dodgers in 5 days ago, but trades and a recent win streak have given me hope.

I think the Angels have the best team in the West, and will eventually overtake the A's

I think Chicago's recent struggles will continue, and they'll be overtaken by the Twinks. Sorry Matt, but your Manager has some serious issues.

I believe that is all I have to say about that. I think these Whoppers have gone to me head.

Jimmy the Bubs


Anonymous said...

Oooh 9 MOTH pictures! nerdy bubs. lincoln's so cute!

Anonymous said...

I guess:

Tigers v. A's
Yankees v. White Sox

Mets v. Reds
Cardinals v. Dodgers

I also have been swayed to stick LA in there because they are playing well, and nobody else in the NL West has played well for 3 straight, let alone 5 straight.

I wish Chicago wasn't going to make it, but I still think they will.

Plus, I like how the USA basketball team pretends like they will be a better "team" because they don't have the big stars. Maybe they'll be good, but they definately have the big stars.

Maybe Carmello isn't a big star, but he's more selfish than anybody in the league.

Matt said...

Bubs, we all know that the White Sox are clutch and in the end will be victorious. Whenever the White Sox do bad it is just for the sake of suspense. If they just went undefeated the entire year like they could if they wanted to, Major League Baseball would probably come up with some rule that the other teams get a ten run head start every game. Plus, I can understand Brett's fear of the White Sox. I for one want to see a White Sox v. Tigers ALCS. Bring it on Brett.

Anonymous said...

I certainly would rather have the Twinks beat out the White Sox, but the White Sox are clutch/get tons of umpire help at the end of the game. I'm not sure Matt should be wishing a Detroit Chicago ALCS, unless the Tigers fall apart without Shelton.

Lisa said...

I can't believe Lincoln is 9 months already and I haven't even met him.