Sunday, October 08, 2006

Tigers fan Bubs

Looks like theTigers are the coolest team left, going to have to turn into Brett.

It also looks like Jim Leyland made a pretty good decision between his fourth and fifth pack of cigs. last Sunday. Lose to KC on purpose to draw an easier team. They made the Yankees look like the Platypi.

In other news, I only have to go to school for 3 days this week. Why? Because the UEA has it's convention this week. This is the only good thing the union does for me... allow time off in early fall. Luckily, they aren't taking any of my hard earned money. I'll let them use others' money to pretend like they're working hard for us teachers.

In conclusion, I almost contributed $20 per mile to a walkathon type thing... like the boss on The Office did. Luckily, I caught myself.

Andy VanSlyke

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bubs, the predictions in your last post were right on the money. Amazing.

Tigers were lucky to draw the Yankees in the first round. Otherwise the Yankees would have beat the Twins and then Tigers would have had to beat them in a seven game series instead of 5.

Hopefully Bondo can take care of business today.