Monday, May 28, 2007

Hands off my money...please

I added a couple of new links to my blog. The first is a blog by Alyssa Milano of 'Who's the Boss?' fame. She is a Dodgers fan as am I, and her blog is mostly about the Dodgers. I'd have to say the best line in her blog is when she is talking about how Barry Bonds hit a homer against the Dodgers and she 'threw up in her mouth a little'. Good stuff.

The second blog I linked to is a Home Preparedness blog. A while ago on one of those 5th Sundays, they (whoever they is) had a guy come in and talk about saving money and being prepared for whatever may happen in the future. He has a blog, the link will take you there.

Now to my motivation for this post...

I'm looking at my gas bill, disgusted that I can't provide my own gas, when I notice that I only used $14.59 worth of gas last month. Sounds good, but hold your horses. Questar thinks it's funny to add a 'service fee' of $5, why they can't just include that with gas charges so I don't get mad about it, I'll never know.

That is not all. The government comes in on their high horse and taxes me a whopping 10.1%, and they inculde the stupid service charge. Not a big deal when only $14 of gas was used, but in January, we used over a hundred dollars of gas, and the government got to stick it to us for 10 more dollars. No wonder the government doesn't do anything about high gas prices.

Keep in mind, I have to pay them with money that I already paid taxes on.

I understand that the government needs to function, and that some taxes need to be paid, but I don't understand why I have to get nickeled and dimed my entire life when as a teacher, I don't make that much (relative to other americans) to begin with.

I guess the government just knows how to spend my money better. Afterall, someone has to pay for them to fly all over the country in thier leer jets, or they wouldn't be able to lecture us about global warming, and how we should conserve our natural resources.

The following is what I wish would happen. An independent accounting firm should put a cap on how much a legislative body can spend. For every percent that the legislature goes over, all members of the legislature get 2% taken away from their paychecks.

That's just off the top of my head, but seriously, something needs to be done to ensure that they use our money wisely.

Al Gore

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