Monday, April 10, 2006

Copyright Bubs

Ange wanted me to enter the picture below in this one baby picture contest. The rules were that there had to be a hat involved, and I guess it needed to be on a baby. In the picture below, that baby is Lincoln.Clearly he has a hat on, unfortunately, said hat does not have three corners, nor is it my hat. Cathy made this one for him, her first attempt was to small for his head. Like father like son.

Anyway, I was reading the fine print, and apparently I don't own the copyright to this picture anymore. I am putting it up anyway just to defy 'the man'. I feel like Kramer when he sold all his stories to Peterman, and then couldn't tell them to his friends anymore.

Peterman: "The very pants you were taking to the dry cleaners?"

They provided an option to send emails to all my friends about how they should vote for Link. I think this is both annoying and unfair. They are clearly trying to drive traffic to their website. I will not be party to such tactics. Plus, I know all my 'friends' would have just voted for some other baby.

In conclusion, we'll know it's rigged when the ugly baby wins.

Elaine: Some night huh?
Doctor guy: Yes, some night.
Elaine: Some ugly baby.

The Villain


Anonymous said...

You have no right to put that picture of your son on this site. If you don't remove it I will be forced to sue.

Anonymous said...

Dear the man:

I know you are an imposter, because the real "the man" would have put quotes around his name, whereas the fake "the man" wouldn't. That is how you tell the difference between "the man" and the man.

I think "the man" would be horrified to know you are using his name without permission.

Matt said...

Why did you write this:
the fake "the man"
When you should have written this:
the fake the man
Your entire point was about the quotation marks and you did not use quotation marks to support your point. I give you an F-.

Anonymous said...


Quotation marks represent the real "the man". The man is a fake, but he has to be faking something. The think he is faking is "the man". Therefore question marks are important. If I had written the fake the man, then that would refer to someone who was faking the person who is faking "the man".

Is seems quite obvious to me.

Anonymous said...

I get an A- because of that stupid typo. It should read: "...The thing he is faking..."

Still, an A- is better than any grade I ever got in English.

Anonymous said...

Bubs, you should get an F-, because if "question marks are important" then it would be the fake ?the man? which makes almost no sense, even in espanol.

Anonymous said...

Clearly I meant quotation marks, anyone could see that. You get an F- for your lack of inference skills.

Matt said...

I would like to say Bubs that after I wrote my comment I knew exactly what your comment was going to be. You are so predictable. Luckily for me I still win the argument because of your "question marks are important." comment fiasco. Good work on pointing that out John, I didn't notice that on the first read.

Matt said...

Plus Bubs, I just noticed how you said, "the think he is faking." If I could lower your grade any more I would, but sadly F- is as low as it goes.

Anonymous said...

Then you also get an F- for your inference skills after correcting "think" to "thing". That was a more obvious mistake whereas the mistake I corrected I could completely see you making that mistake not knowing any better. Matt's grade gets lowered for correcting a mistake that was already corrected.

Matt said...

Good points by John, I give John an A+, Bubs an F- and me an A-.

Anonymous said...

Matt, of course I'm going to defend myself, when I was clearly right. Good prediction though.

Here is a list of other things Matt has predicted:

The sun will rise in the east.
A German will speak German
Beepers will be annoying
An egg dropped from a tall builing will break
Dad and Cathy will keep Kenny
A politician will lie
Democrats will raise taxes
A door will open inward, outward, slide to the side, or not open at all
Ian will find a way to get a lock installed on his bedroom door
Cosmo will fall off of something tall
The bubs will be way funny
An ice cube will melt on a hot day
Anyone on the White Sox will be nerdy
Senetor Kennedy will be drunk