Friday, December 15, 2006

Sellin' out Bubs

There are two reasons for the title of this post. First of all, we have now officially joined the ranks of the 'people who drive bigger cars than regular cars'.

We bought ourselves a 2002 Toyota Sienna.

This is not our exact car, ours is another color that I am keeping secret, because needless to say, there are those who would like to plan an assassination to silence the voice of the Blog of the Bubs.

Now that we have a way to get up to Idaho, we are hoping to be there until the 28th, if any of my family can hang with that new schedule. Matt, you'd better believe I'm talking to you. We now got room for you, so that excuse is no longer valid. Who's ever heard of a trip to Idaho from the 25th to the 27th. You might as well not go since snow covered roads could slow your trip down enough that you'd get to spend a whopping 20 hours total.

The other way the Blog o' the Bubs is selling out is I'm going to take a page from the MCMillburn blog, and give some pub to a company. No, not Mr. Clean, but rather Nate Wade Subaru, who treated us better than any other dealer we've ever gone through.

Now that the selling out is done, I should mention that Lincoln has started trying to run. I give him 5 months to be faster than me. Maybe he'll pinch run for me in Platypi games.

The Grinch


Matt said...


Christen said...

I'm with Matt. Kidding. The car--excuse me, MINIVAN is nice. Mike likes the color. Thanks for visiting with us tonight!! :)

Anonymous said...

Matt, I thought I should remind you that you shouldn't hate the playa but rather the game.