Friday, February 09, 2007

Ohhh the poopsmith he would talk...

Close to March Madness time. I, of course, have wasted countless hours trying to figure out if BYU is in or not. There is a pretty cool story of a bunch of writers doing the mock draft on It mentions BYU a few times. Here is thier mock bracket.

So we were eating at Sweet Tomatoes today, which has turned into Ange's favorite restaurant, and is the one thing she seems to crave all the time.

Lincoln eats for free, and takes the place for all it's worth. He ate so much his belly was sticking out. I decided I'd get him down fromt he high chair when I smelt it...

So while Ange was finishing up, I took him out to the minivan to see about changing his diaper. I gave him a little time to finish up since he was grunting. By then, Ange had gotten there. I laid him down on the bench and opened up the diaper. Because his little bum was hanging over the edge of the bench, when I took the diaper off, there was no support from below. The diaper became rapidly unbalanced, and a huge 'Lincoln Log' started sliding off the diaper toward the floor of the van.

At this point, I had a decision to make. Do I let it splat on the floor, or do I be a hero and catch it?

I decided to save the day. A sickening sound announced the arrival of the load. I was not sure what I should do, so I just held on for dear life until the diaper was able once again to recieve the item in question. My hand cleans much easier than van carpets, so I think I made the correct decision.

Amazingly, while all this is going on, there is a guy waiting to park in the stall next to us. After I'm done with all my antics, he still decides to park there. Apparently we had it enough under control that he figured the risk of collateral damage to be minimal.

That will be all for now.

Strong Sad


Matt said...

Two words to describe Bubs: Hero and ic.

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