Saturday, March 03, 2007

Dessert Bubs

I hope I spelled the title right. No worries, some one will let me know if I spelt it wrong. I ran across this video today. Thought it was funny/clever

We had an ice cream party for all students on our team of 120 kids who passed all four team classes. (Team classes consist of Math, English, Science, and History)

Of our 120 students we have in common, only 25 were able to attend the ice cream party. While the other teachers were compaining about how only 25 were able to make it to the party, I was wondering if there's a better dessert in the world than ice cream. The conclusion I reached was no. Any dessert that I was thinking was better had ice cream already in it as it's main ingredient. Therefore, ice cream is the best dessert in the world.

So beside ice cream and ice cream related desserts, here's a list of the best desserts out there.

14-Frosty From Wendy's (I don't think it's made of ice cream)
13-Strawberry Shortcake
12-Chocolate Cinnamon Bears
11-Cinnamon Toast
10-Apple Pie
8-Banana Cream Pie
7-Chocolate Chip Cookies
6-Chocolate dipped fruit (strawberries, bananas etc.)
5-Carmel Apples
4-Chocolate Cake

I'd have to say that I was surprised how low on the list Apple Pie was, but it makes sense when you remember that ice cream can't be involved.

I think if there were a list of worst desserts, it would be led off by Rhubarb Pie. Not a big fan of the Rhubarb... of course I only tried it once when I was 7, but those memories can be a powerful thing.

I'm hungry

No name

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