Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A disturbing development

Earlier this year, on April Fools, we had our minivan broken into so someone could steal our DVD player. Details are here. We have acquired another DVD player, also with two screens, after enduring a summer without said player. It was a nightmare, and I will tip my cap to those parents who raised children without a DVD player in the car. My cap gets untipped to you guys now that I remember that you didn't put your children in car seats, but rather, let them roam all over the place whilst driving.

Anyway, Lincoln will tell Ange from the car seat to push play on the DVD. This is usually how the conversation goes: "Mommy, push play!" Mommy then pushes play. Then Lincoln says: "Daddy, die!" I am usually stunned by this development, because I've been innocently driving, minding my own business.

I figured I should try to post pictures at least once a month. I didn't realize that kids grew up, but after some of the comments when I last posted pictures, you'd think nobody recognized my children anymore.

Just a word to the wise: if you blow up the above picture, you might spot a booger forming under Link's right nostril. If that's going to gross you out, you might not want to blow up the picture.

Lincoln loves abc's and numbers more than I thought imaginable. He goes around singing the alphabet song now, with a few omissions. He's known letter sounds and how to sign them since he was barely 1. He can recognize and spell a few words too. Among the notables are: Lincoln, Ella, Mom, Dad, zoo, cat, and his all time favorite, happy.

He also likes to change our alarm clock's time. So far I haven't shown up to work an hour early or late but stay tuned...

My little girl is awesome at ping pong.

My favorite part about the bottom picture is how I whited out our license plate. If anyone needs training on how to use 'Paint', then let me know. My other favorite part is how my girl has outgrown the huge jacket we bought for her only a couple of months ago. Geez.

Luckily, said jacket was purchased at DI for a cool $3.
In conclusion, it's hard to take the kids together to Costco, because they both want to push the cart. This necessitates us getting two carts. But if there is only one of us, Lincoln usually ends up being disappointed.
For a very strange one, we don't have this problem at Wal-mart* because our kids don't want to push shopping carts at Wal-mart*, only at Costco.


The Bubs said...

Plus, the futon in the background. Yes, we are hicks.

Anonymous said...

Good to see Lincoln remembered the catch phrases I taught him.

Brett - Rachel B said...

Look at all them teeth Lincoln has!
And I like the basement picture with Ella being tossed. I hope someone caught her.

In conclusion, I like this post.

The Bubs said...

Hmm. Ella's on the ping pong table. Lincoln might be getting tossed in the background. That is his grandma.

FitzSimmons Times said...

Strange, I thought that the kid (maybe Lincoln) was actually swinging on a swing that was tied to the rafters in the ceiling and I thought, "that is a cool basement!"

The Bubs said...

Yes, I've just been informed that it is in fact a swing tied to the rafters. What a cool basement.

Chad said...

You were right--I didn't recognize your kids in the pictures! Please keep posting more.

The Jensen's said...

Yep the kiddies grow fast! I can't believe how big Ella is. Is she tall like Lincoln?
Random note: Just throwing an invite out there if you guys are ever down south to golf you are more than welcome to stay with us! It was fun seeing you last time you guys were down forever ago!

P.S. If you would like an invite to my blog email me at
4jensens@skyviewmail.com so I can add ya!! :) That is all....

Matt said...

Bubs, has Lincoln ever spelled out Daddy Die with those letters on the fridge? Just curious.

The Bubs said...

He only has two d's to work with, so no.