Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Ella has reached the most important milestone of a young life. She has reached 18 months of age, which means she finally goes to the nursery on Sunday.

If you don't go to church, or haven't ever had a child between 12-18 months in age, I don't think you could possibly know the relief I feel at this moment.

I had to celebrate by taking this picture. I think taking it through a dark window caused it to lose some of it's quality.

The bishop's wife wondered why I was taking pictures of the nursery. She asked if I was trying to get "evidence". I told her yes, because I didn't want to tell her it was going on my blog.


The Jensen's said...

We were called to be nursery workers when Colton was 11 months old. I guess they figured if I was going to just end up walking the halls with Colton I might as well help in nursery. I feel your pain on waiting 6 extra months! I think the church should have a pre-nursery room for any parent and non-content child to go, sit and play. Then you don't have to worry about them getting trampled tons in regular nursery.
P.S. Ignore my grammer and spelling mistakes, since you are the king of English!

Anonymous said...

Bubs would celbrate any spelling mistakes.

Stephanie said...

I love how she looks so tiny sitting next to Lincoln. I can't believe he is still in Nursery!

The Bubs said...

Yes, he's the tallest in the nursery by far. If he was born 2 months later, he'd be in for another year.

Plus, Matt or John or someone else would be the kind of English. I'm the king of getting annoyed at people pointing out mispelled words.

Unless that word is "gnaw"

Brett - Rachel B said...

That is such a cute picture, and I love how they can be in nursery together.
They are so adorable! I can't wait to see them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!