Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Weekend sickness

Last Wednesday (now almost a week ago) Ella threw up for the first time in a while. The first time was when I went to get her out of her crib after a nap. She had created a lake in her crib. I was lucky because I got to clean the girl, while Ange cleaned the sheets. Two hours later, her second barf came all of a sudden. She just spewed curdled milk all over the place. I knew it was throw up because of that acidic smell. Ironically, this all happened exactly 800 days after my last throw up.

Ella was not the only person who decided to ralph. Lincoln was next. We went to the open house of the Draper Temple last Saturday. It was nice, but seriously crowded. We went with my dad, who decided to bail when he saw how long the line was, Matt, John and his fiancee, Cassie. The tour ended in one of the smaller sealing rooms of the temple. While the nice man was talking, I was holding Ella thinking of all the explainin' I'd have to do if Ellie just let it rip right there.

After the 4 hour temple trip, we decided to go to Wingers to have some food. Just after we ordered, Lincoln coughed and some throw up came out. Ange was very quick thinking, and grabbed the popcorn bowl, which Link filled in 5 seconds. He seemed done, so I took him to the bathroom to clean up. He was not done. On the way to the bathroom, he throws up again, and catches it with his hand. This happened in front of strangers eating their meals. We cleaned up in the bathroom, cancelled our order and got out of there.

Matt's parting shot to us was "Wingers appreciates your business." That pretty much sums up our relationship with Matt. Scratch that, that pretty much sums up every one's relationship with Matt. I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.

Anyway, on the way home, Ange got a little sick, and she threw up. So I'm thinking how the only good that's going to come of this is I'm going to get out of my Elders Quorum lesson, but alas. Everyone was feeling quite well come Sunday morning.

Then on Sunday night/Monday morning, Ange threw up again. So my four day weekend was one giant bummer, with a cool, but long temple trip mixed in. It should also be noted, that I'm the only one with the streak still alive.

In other, less gross news, the results are in, and "Triple Play" has been voted (50%-33%) as the best phrase to use when describing the incredible feat of downing three hot dogs at a baseball game.

1 comment:

Bobby Sue said...

Your weekend sounds just like mine. I have to say I am the only one out of 5 in this household that has kept down my stomach for the last 5 days. Lets just say I feel for you. I hate cleaning up lakes.