Sunday, March 26, 2006

Merciful Bubs

Looks as if winter will never end. That’s just as well, the kids are more rowdy if the weather is nice.

My list today only applies to the last 50 years or so…

Greatest Miscarriages of Justice

13- Steph hit me with a bat because I burped… and I was the one who got in trouble.
12- We lost a Region basketball game while I was coaching Mike’s team, because the refs allowed the scorekeeper (father of a child on the other team) to count a ten footer as a 3 pointer. I told the ref I was going to be way mad if we go to overtime. Sure enough… and the rest is history. Plus the ref told me I was the worst ‘sport’ he’s ever seen.
11- Some nerd accused me of sleeping on the job at the prison. I may not be bright, but I know better than to fall asleep at the prison.
10- Judy Miller putting the Kibosh on my cookie business.
9- Me getting diagnosed with ADHD by Jim Jensen, aka genius psychologist.
8- We were watching a movie in 7th grade, and Danny Delahunty was sitting in front of my seat, but on the floor. I leaned over to say something to him… the next thing I know, I have to stay after school for a week, cleaning desks because I ‘spit’ on him.
7- That one baseball field that got turned into a senior citizen’s center.
6- Bubs getting ganged up on while playing Mafia.
5- Hilary Duff’s little sister losing an election to Pedro.
4- Arrested Development being cancelled. I can think of a lot of shows that were cancelled that shouldn’t have been, this is just the latest in a long line… 3rd Rock from the Sun also comes to mind.
3- Kangaroo Jack doing poorly at the box office.
2- Matt winning a backgammon game versus his companion, when his comp only had one piece left, and Matt didn’t have one piece in.
1- Wile E. Coyote never getting the roadrunner despite genius plans and help from ACME.

There sure is a lot of injustice in the world. Notice that I restrained myself from sports for the most part. I don’t have enough time to go through all the injustices the Jazz have suffered at the hands of evil refs.

Or the injustice the Angels suffered at the hands of the evil White Sox. I guess if it’s been 80+ years since you’ve won, it’s alright to cheat to get the victory.

Just like the Bulls cheated against the Jazz, except it had been 11+ months since the Bulls had won a championship.

Big Mac


Matt said...

First and foremost, White Sox won fair and square. Second and secondmost yes that backgammon game was awesome. He had one guy left and his guy was two spaces from winning. I had two guys on his very last space. It was my turn, needless to say I rolled a one. He got trapped in prison as I had all of my spaces occupied. I pranced to victory. Plus as I was moving my guys in he still couldn't get out of prison forever when he had three spaces open. Yes I got skills. I hardly see how that is an injustice. Although you would think that some injustice had occured by his reaction running around the trailor screaming that mercy had robbed justice and that God had ceased to be God.

Anonymous said...

Bubs, I was just telling Matern and Brian two days ago about that one time when you were killed first in Mafia like five straight times. They thought it was as funny as the rest of us did when we were doing it to you.

Stockton said...

Oh boy.... that Mafia game was SWEET! Even Ange joined into the fun. Sorry Bubs...couldn't be helped.

I have no recollection on the baseball bat incident. I do, however, remember when you hit me in the eye with a tennis racket during our tennis lessons. That hurt!

Anonymous said...

And now the list you've all been waiting for - top 7 reasons that Rachel hasn't posted anything on her blog for almost 3 weeks now:

7. Too stressed out about wedding - doesn't have time for such frivolity

6. Now that she's landed her man, she has no need to impress him with her rapier wit any longer

5. Got busted blogging in class and can't get her laptop back without a note from her teacher.

4. Forgot that her password is "brettsmywittlewovemonkey", but now that I've reminded her she has no excuse

3. Her blog was cancelled by the same moronic Fox executives that axed Arrested Development

2. Mama always taught me: Don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all

1. Papa the Guinea Pig and his cronies have taken her hostage and refuse to let her near a computer until they are paid their weight in seeds.

Anonymous said...

Apparently I was signed in as Stockton. For the record, Bubs did not hit Stockton with a tennis racquet.... sorry for the confusion.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't that Hilary Duff's bigger sister? That's what I thought.

Matt said...

Yes that was Hillary Duff's big sister, I just checked. The Blog of the Bubs is not exactly known for it's accurate reporting. Also how do you join the citizens for the return of rachel b. I would like to join the club. Not that I have anything against Papa but seriously Papa let Rachel B. go.

Brett - Rachel B said...

I'm sorry, but ever since UConn Lost I've been in a comma in my room. I wanted it so badly, but apparently not bad enough. I'm sorry UConn, I should have believed more.

Don't laugh. Everytime Uconn loses, an angel loses its wings.

Anonymous said...

Here's my mini list on accuracy, it goes from most accurate to least accurate

1. The Blog of the Bubs
2. The Millburn Tribune
3. Average Junior High Kid
4. Average Inmate
5. Used Car Salesman
6. Steph when reporting on childhood.
7. Infomercials
8. The New York Times

Anonymous said...

Looks like The Blog of the Bubs is the most accurate, that's a good call. I thought that The Millburn Tribune was rated a little too accurate, and that Infomercials was treated too harshly. Obviously, the New York Times is in it's proper position.

Matt said...

Bubs how can you say your blog is the most accurate. Why should we trust someone who hit Stockten with a tennis racket

Anonymous said...

Hey bubs, natalie wants to hear the story aboot judy miller and the cookies..? Do tell

Anonymous said...

I should have used a pseudonym to protect the guilty. This isn't a blog of rumors... so I'll tell you next time I see you. Unless that next time is like last time with 50 fries jammed in you mouth.

Anonymous said...

It's also good to see that Bubs is fully aware that his Fantasy Football team not making the playoffs was not a miscarriage of justice, but simply justice prevailing.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is good to see Bubs finally admit that about his FF team. And seeing as his blog is so accurate it couldn't have been an oversight, but an admission of justice.

Anonymous said...

I suppose I can admit FF was not a miscarriage of justice. As I said while I was ranting, the rules were set up at the beginning of the year.

It does go down on a list of reasons why I'm the unluckiest human being on the planet... there's no doubt or arguing that point.

In related news, one of the reasons Jim diagnosed me with ADHD was because I answered yes to "Does it seem like you are unlucky all the time?", and "Are you always getting blamed for things you didn't do?"

Don't see how those questions relate much to ADHD, but whatever.

Anonymous said...

Who is Jim Jensen anyway?

Matt said...

Jim Jensen is the owner of TKJ where Bubs, Brett, John and I worked.