Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Goundhog Bubs

It turns out Lincoln has RSV -- a mild case, but still a little scary. I guess a lot of infants get that this time of year. The one good thing is I get to stay home and watch him. Not that I don't enjoy my job.

As for the groundhog, here are a few inconsistencies/things that bother me about the whole deal.

First February second is dumb because there aren't as many cool people that have worn the number 22, as there are that have worn 21 or 23. For example. David Benoit wore 21, and Michael Jordan wore 23 and so on...

(I know it makes a joke less funny if you explain it, but I thought it was funny how I just compared David Beniot to Michael Jordan. If Beniot got the same calls, would he have been as good?)

Second I don't think weather patterns are affected by if little animals are awake or not. I'll have to consult my one weather book on that one.

Third In order for the little rat to see his shadow, the sun has to be out. If the sun is out, it is probably a nice day. it would seem more logical to me that the sun being out would be associated with no more winter, not the other way around.

Fourth The animal is only right 50% of the time. We should just have Feb. 2nd be 'Flip a coin to see if winter ends day' (And yes, they do keep stats, although I'm not sure what is considered an 'early spring')

Finally, no groundhog could live for hundreds of years, clearly this isn't the real groundhog.

Now I will mention the things good about Feb 2nd

1 They made a sweet movie about it.

That's it

Now for a way funny line from said movie. Bill Murray is doing the weather, and he says: "And in the northwest there are going to be some very tall trees."

Then the second in command weatherman worships him for that line.

Plus then he calls the anchor lady 'hairdo'.

I should make a list of best lines from Groundhog day, but at present, I don't own a copy of the movie.

OJ Simpson

Plus, another good one is how Chris Elliot keeps calling Bill Murray a 'Prima donna'


Anonymous said...

Bubs, Michael Redd wears 22, thus rendering your list as entirely unreliable and should not be trusted from beginning to end.

Matt said...

Groundhog Day should be on August 1 to celebrate my softball number. Also Bubs, you should to a list of cartoons worth rioting over.

Matt said...

Plus Bubs, I would like to point out that to riot over a cartoon causes more people to view the cartoon. For example, I saw the cartoon on the internet and I would have otherwise had a 0% chance of viewing a cartoon out of a Denmark newspaper that did not cause a riot.

Anonymous said...

That was funny how Bubs backhanded Michael Redd. I was hoping I would beat John to the comments.

Anonymous said...

Plus, it is sweet how Christen has backhanded both Bubs AND Matt by not including their blogs on her links in her blog. This is despite both of them having her blog as a link. Primma donna. We should make a cartoon about it and it would start a riot.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? Christen does have a link to both of them..... I click on them all the time when I'm too lazy to type the address....

Anonymous said...

I hope Lincoln's okay. RSV is scary. Stockton got a shot to prevent that. They only give it to premies, and it cost $2600. Thank goodness for insurance....

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that watched "Groundhog Day" on Groundhog Day this year? I bet I am.

Matt said...

I propose that we all have a riot due to Brett's false comments. All in favor let it be known. I'm not sure what flag to burn. We should probably all vote on which flag to burn at this riot. Yes dad you are the only one to watch Groundhog Day on Groundhog Day this year.

Anonymous said...

Since Brett made the false comment...the flag that is burned should be the University of Idaho flag.

Anonymous said...

So I didn't know Michael Redd wore #22. He is the best mid range shooter in the NBA, so it seems there is an exception to the rule. But if you lined up all the good players that wore 22, there would be few compared to 23 or 21.

I think a riot sounds fun, but we should wait until soccer season.

Anonymous said...

She has a link? Who burned who? You guys burned me.

But at least I can burn Bubs by saying how Emmitt Smith wore #22. That's not a burn b/c Emmitt Smith was super boring and just a product of a sweet offensive line? Suck, I'm foiled again.

Anonymous said...

Michael Redd alone cancels out all 21's and 23's combined. There, I said it.

Matt said...

I will agree that we should burn the University of Idaho flag at the riot. I will not be able to attend the riot in Utah. I could hold a one man riot here, but I think a one man riot cannot be defined as a riot. It would be more of a temper tantrum. Plus, I would probably get arrested by the military police and go to military prison. I think the riot should be in Utah.

Anonymous said...

does anyone have good stories about families? Sharing time is on I can help my family follow Heavenly Fathers plan. I want examples of helping and of not helping.... Then I'm going to read all the helping stories and add ingredients to make a milk shake... then the not helping stories I'm going to add gross stuff... with the last ingredient being flies....

Anonymous said...

One time, I helped Mike and Christen choose a name for their kid. They couldn't decide, and I gave them a list of sweet names, and now they are going to name their girl Shabazz.

Anonymous said...

Another time, my sister, we'll call her Steph, tried to help by bringing a pie to the new nieghbor. Then she accidently stepped in it. So we had to eat the gross Cherry Pie, and the new nieghbors got the good Apple Pie. I think that's a good example of not helping.

Anonymous said...

Nice Bubs, I remember when Steph stepped all over that pie. That was funny, but I think we got put on the chair if we made fun of her for it.
I have so many examples of helping its hard to think of just one. You can put how I would make Mike's bed in the morning sometimes and leave a note written in my right hand saying it was done by his "secret buddy".

Anonymous said...

Bubs...your joke about naming our baby is old. It has made me laugh a total of zero times. It is a good example of the non-helpful Bubs. Steph, you can use that for your non-helpful example. Helpful bubs example is when we lost our softball game because one of our players didn't slide. Bubs was very helpful when he was yelling at the umpire while climbing the back stop. Despite Bubs' helpful pleadings...the call remained and the platypi defeated.

Anonymous said...

oh....and thanks secret buddy!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm....cherry pie..... much better than apple....

Anonymous said...

This post had 22 comments -- now it has 23

Matt said...

Bubs, I would like to point out that Shabazz did not when the vote. It ended with a three way tie Zephanie, Vyquetoriya Walkasheaqua, and Shabazz. Plus, rembember how Seven is your favorite and you still voted for Shabazz. I would just like to point out to Mike that Bubs helping you name your baby was not a joke. The post was labeled "Helpful Bubs" not, "Funny Bubs", or "Comic Genius Bubs."

Matt said...

I will now point out before anybody else does that I spelled win when. I really don't know what happened there.

Anonymous said...

Who would have thunk that a post about Groundhog Day would have caused such a stir? Therefore, it is evident that Groundhog day shall remain and is a great holiday that brings family togetherness. And Michael Redd wears number 22.