Sunday, February 05, 2006

PO'd Bubs

So I had this sweet post up about Brett, and then it got spontaneously deleted. I guess John was the only one to see it -- I'll try to recreate the greatness, but not guarantees.

Oscar the Grouch


Matt said...

Oscar, you better recreate that post as I did not see it. That's weird about the spontaneous deletion. I saw that Christen had a post up that disappeared also. I figured she took it down for some reason, but maybe it was a case of spontaneous deletion. I didn't know that was possible. I will now officially save my posts on my computer.

Anonymous said...

Bubs, I saw it and was about to add 16-20, but when I went to add them it was gone. So I'll add them anyway.

16. Throwing pop flies to Bubs in the back yard until it got dark enough for Bubs to say, "last one." This "last one" resulted in the biggest black eye I've ever seen.
17. Acting out the BYU vs. Wyoming game in the basement while we were listening to it on the radio.
18. Typing in hours of codee into the computer so we could have a baseball game on the it. But we never finished.
19. Steve and I dumping gallons of the Leatherwood's milk out onto their back porch.
20. Watching the black and white static on the TV. Pretended they were race cars as I tried following a dot across the screen

Anonymous said...

That was one nasty black eye, I don't think I've ever seen a worse black eye except that one guy that was blind that we tried to sell Scout-o-rama tickets to that lived in Uncle George's nieghborhood. Remember that guy Brett? Plus, remember when we tried to act out a Jazz game called by Hot Rod? Bad idea. I don't know how I forgot the static screen racecar incident. Good call. Didn't know about the milk situation... good one. Speaking of Uncle George, remember how we would always go get tons of beer cans from him to recycle, and score like $30?